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*The child abuse portion of this program has been approved by the NY State Educational Department to fulfill the continuing education requirement for dentists and other health professionals for licensure.
Forensics continues to be the hottest subject of television and movies in recent years and continues to pique the interest of the public. There have been many newsworthy tragedies that have increased public awareness concerning the importance of forensic dentistry in the identification of victims. Past and present situations have called upon the forensic dentist to assist in mass disaster events.
There are many aspects of forensic dentistry that will be discussed to better acquaint the professional with a greater understanding of this varied and exciting field of dentistry.
- History of events highlighting Forensic Dentistry
- Civil cases in forensic dentistry.
- Evidence for the value of Forensic Dentistry.
- Child Abuse, Human Abuse and Dentistry.
- Bite Mark Evidence.
- Overview of mass disasters (WTC, Katrina, Flight 587).
- Regional Disaster Planning with Updated Technology.
- Training Exercise.
Dr. Lawrence Dobrin is Chief Forensic Dentist for the five boroughs of New York City, Office of Chief Medical Examiner. He is a forensic dental consultant to the Regional Medical Examiner of the State of New Jersey; and to the Union County, NJ, Medical Examiner. He is the forensic dentist for County of Rockland, NY, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and forensic consultant for Philadelphia Medical Examiner’s Office. Dr. Dobrin is also a member of the Federal Disaster Mortuary Response Team-Region 2, and the Forensic Dental Chief of the Regional Mass Fatality Response System. He has been involved in the identification of victims of disaster events since 1990, including both World Trade Center Disasters, flights US Air 405 and American Airlines 587, Hurricane Katrina 2005, Hurricane Sandy 2012, Hurricane Maria 2017, and many other incidents in the NJ/NY region.
Dr. Dobrin is an Associate Professor at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry. He provides courtroom testimony as an expert in child abuse cases and in forensic odontology. He is the Director of Dental Operations on the Medical Examiner Special Operations Response Team for NYC. He maintains a private dental practice in Roselle Park, NJ.