Error message
Deprecated function: Use of "static" in callables is deprecated in Drupal\schema_metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\SchemaNameBase->output() (line 85 of modules/contrib/schema_metatag/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/SchemaNameBase.php).Basics of Cone Beam CT for the Dental Practitioner
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the newest imaging modality available to the dental profession. As the scanners and examinations produced find their way into general and specialty practices, practitioners are eager to know how to use this exciting new modality to the benefit of their patients. This course is designed to introduce this new radiographic examination to the dental practice through lecture, demonstration, and hands-on viewing using the viewing software.
- CBCT concepts.
- 3–D Anatomy.
- Viewing the volume.
- Available CBCT units.
- Limitations.
- Scanning your patients.
- Selection criteria and applications of CBCT.
- Interpretation and reporting.
- Radiation dose and comparison with other radiographic examinations.
- Viewing the images using viewing software.
At the conclusion, you will understand:
- Need for 3–D imaging in dentistry.
- Basics of CBCT image acquisition.
- Selection criteria for CBCT.
- Selection of FOV.
- Concept and use of viewer software.
- Use of panoramic reconstruction, MPR, Oblique, and other projections available with viewer software.
- Basics of 3–D radiographic anatomy.
- Basics of 3–D interpretation via viewing software.
- Radiobiological aspects of the cone-beam CT.