Error message
Deprecated function: Use of "static" in callables is deprecated in Drupal\schema_metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\SchemaNameBase->output() (line 85 of modules/contrib/schema_metatag/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/SchemaNameBase.php).Cone Beam Interpretation
More than two decades after its introduction in the US, CBCT scan- ners have entered many general and specialty dental practices. Since three-dimensional scans carry far more data than two- dimensional images, accurate interpretation of complex anatomy, especially structures beyond the oral cavity, creates greater responsibility for dentists employing this technology.
This course will familiarize the participant with the basic concepts of three-dimensional image interpretation using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography scans. The course will consist of a review of pertinent topics and a hands-on session interpreting a scan. Participants are encouraged to bring the DICOM scan files from their practice. Anonymized scans from RSDM archives will also be available for interpretation.
Topics to be covered:
- Basics of three-dimensional imaging.
- 3-D anatomy.
- Image volume selection.
- The importance of reporting radiographic findings.
- Components of a Radiology Report.
- The “language” of image interpretation.
- Navigating the DICOM viewer software.