Dental Infection Control Essentials [SBRC]
Dental professionals are routinely at an increased risk of cross-infection when treating patients. In response, application of evidence-based infection prevention practices and strategies provide effective protection during provision of healthcare. This seminar will focus on a practical discussion of current dental infection control recommendations. Discussion will include hand hygiene, sharps safety, personal protective equipment (PPE), instrument reprocessing, environmental surface disinfection, and dental water treatment. Application of Standard and Transmission-based Precautions also will be considered in light of updated CDC, OSHA, NIOSH, FDA, and EPA publications.
Seminar Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, participants should be able to:
- describe application of standard precautions as the foundation of infection prevention.
- discuss the impact of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 infection on dental infection 0precautions.
- comprehend recommended transmission-based precautions associated with controlling aerosols and airborne pathogens.
- understand the most recent updates for CDC and OSHA infection control recommendations and regulations.
- understand the rationale and practices of effective, hand hygiene procedures.
- describe protocols for instrument processing and surface disinfection.
- understand how to effectively monitor reprocessing and sterilization procedures.
- describe factors which can lead to dental unit waterline (DUWL) contamination.
- comprehend practical strategies which can minimize DUWL contamination
Dr. Molinari is Professor Emeritus at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, where he served for 32 years as Chairman of Biomedical Sciences and Director of Infection Control. He has also been Director of infection Control at the Dental Advisor in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was involved in research studying new infection control technologies and products. He has published over 500 scientific articles, text chapters, and abstracts in the areas of microbiology and immunology, and lectures nationally and internationally on topics dealing with infectious diseases and infection control. Dr. Molinari is co-author of the text Cottone’s Practical Infection Control in Dentistry, as well as a founding member and President of OSAP. He has served as a consultant for the CDC, ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, Council on Dental Practice, and regional hospitals.