The Importance of Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for Dental Treatment of Medically Complex Patients

This seminar focuses on treatment concepts and modalities for medically complex patients particularly with hemodynamically unstable conditions like cardiac and valvular diseases, hematological disorders, patients on cancer therapy as well as uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension.
Current available guidelines for dental treatment of such conditions in a safe environment reducing post operative complications will also be discussed. In addition, the focus on preventive modalities in general and particularly for such patients so that dental disease is prevented by adequate home care will be covered.
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Comprehend safe dental practice for patients with complex medical conditions
- Relate the risk and benefit ratio of dental treatment for particular medical condition
- Balance the implications of dental treatment outcomes with the concerning medical condition
- Appraise with the evidence based practice guidelines for various common medical complexities and their effect on dental treatment outcomes
Dr. Altaf H Shah received his bachelor's degree in Dentistry in India, his MS in the specialty of Community Dental Practice with Merit and a post graduate clinical certificate in Special Care Dentistry in London. Dr. Shah worked as a faculty member at several dental schools and was instrumental in establishing a new dental school with Dar Al Uloom University, Riyadh from 2015 till 2018. In 2018, Dr. Shah started the Special Care Dentistry clinics at the University Dental Hospital, King Saud University - the largest dental teaching institute in the Middle East and North African Region. Dr. Shah received a fellowship award from the Special Care Dentistry Association in Columbus, Ohio in May 2022 and has been inducted as a member of board of directors of the American Association of Hospital Dentists (AAHD). Dr. Shah has 15 years clinical expertise in oral health care of individuals with special needs as well as medically complex patients. He has a keen research interest, has several publications in peer reviewed journals, serves on the editorial board of few journals as well as being a journal reviewer for more than 10 indexed journals including the Special Care in Dentistry Journal. Currently, Dr. Altaf Shah is an Associate Professor in the Delta Dental Clinic for Urgent and Special Care, Department of Community Dental Sciences at Marquette University School of Dentistry.