Error message
Deprecated function: Use of "static" in callables is deprecated in Drupal\schema_metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\SchemaNameBase->output() (line 85 of modules/contrib/schema_metatag/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/SchemaNameBase.php).Oral Diagnosis Potpourri
This interactive, case-based program presents a broad spectrum of soft and hard tissue pathologies encountered in daily practice and provides an opportunity for dental providers to achieve a level of comfort with developing a differential list as well as a management action plan.
For each case the patient’s chief complaint is provided, as well as pertinent clinical and radiographic data. The audience is invited to participate in discussions regarding clinical categorization, appropriate description, diagnostic evaluation, and management of oral abnormalities. The presenter then discloses the diagnosis and emphasizes "clinical pearls" regarding the case management.
Objectives: this program will help you to:
- Accurately categorize oral lesions to narrow down differential diagnosis.
- Develop a prioritized list of differential diagnosis consistent with available data.
- Decide on pertinent diagnostic procedures: imaging, auscultation, vitality testing, aspiration, blood tests, biopsy, etc.
- Select an appropriate site for biopsy when indicated.
- Recognize salient histological features leading to definitive diagnosis.
- Apply the "clinical pearls" to appropriate management of cases discussed.