Oral Health Care Considerations for Victims of Human Trafficking

Dr. Cara C. Copeland (L) and Dr. Alexandra C. Pierre-Bez (R)
In this presentation, participants will be able to describe the current situation of human trafficking plaguing the United States and learn practices to help identify potential victims in the dental practice. Additionally, an emphasis on trauma-informed care will be discussed to help equip dental professionals in treating this population.
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the crisis of human trafficking in North America.
- Explain how to establish a working relationship with human trafficking shelters to provide dental care.
- Educate dental health providers on signs of possible human trafficking and unique ways of caring for this population.
Dr. Copeland received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and Master of Science in Anatomy from The Ohio State University. She received her Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) from Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine- Arizona, and Master of Education from Northern Arizona University. She currently serves as an Associate Professor and Director of Service and Outreach.
Dr. Pierre-Bez is an Associate Professor in the Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine – AZ (CDMA). She is a preclinical faculty member and mentors students in benchtop and clinical research. She received her Doctor of Dental Medicine from Midwestern University, Master’s in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University, and will complete NAU’s Master’s in Public Health program later this year. She is the Vice President of the International Association for Dental Research Education Research Group, Immediate Past President of the local American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research Arizona Section, and Treasurer of the Midwestern University Sigma Xi Chapter.