Error message
Deprecated function: Use of "static" in callables is deprecated in Drupal\schema_metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\SchemaNameBase->output() (line 85 of modules/contrib/schema_metatag/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/SchemaNameBase.php).Oral Pathology Diagnosis Made Easy
Dental practitioners will be provided with a review and update of oral pathology including differential diagnosis, biopsy techniques and surgical management of common oral pathological lesions.
Upon completion of this lecture, you will:
- Be able to develop a differential diagnosis for common oral pathologic lesions.
- Understand techniques for biopsy available including brush biopsy.
- Learn basic techniques of surgical management for oral pathologic lesions.
Topics to be covered:
- Biopsy techniques.
- Epithelial pathology.
- Vesiculo-bullous lesions.
- Odontogenic cysts and tumors.
- Vascular lesions.
- Salivary gland lesions.