Cibele Nasri-Heir

My main research involves working with chronic orofacial pain patients and my primary field of interest is burning mouth syndrome. My research includes working with quantitative sensory testing (QST) investigating sensory function in several orofacial neuropathic pain conditions including post-traumatic trigeminal neuropathy. I also investigate the role on pain modulation in acute and chronic orofacial pain as well the effect of exercise induced hypoalgesia in chronic orofacial pain.
DDS, University of Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Orofacial Pain Specialist – Brazilian Federal Dentistry Council/ Orofacial Pain Team, Division of Dentistry, Hospital das Clínicas, Medical School, of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
MSD, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Research Projects
- Evaluation of temporal summation and conditioned pain modulation in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS)
- Predictive effect of pain modulation system for acute pain following periodontal surgeries
- The role of exercise- induced hypoalgesia in chronic masticatory myalgia patients
- Atypical odontalgia and endodontic treatment, sensory and genetic study
- Prediction of postoperative pain level following third molar surgery by assessing patients’ pain modulation profile
- Evaluation of contingent stimulation feedback on nocturnal bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) pain
- Comparison of therapeutic effects of trigger point injection and twin nerve block in chronic myofacial pain
- Currie CC, Ohrbach R,De Leeuw R, Forssell H, Imamura Y, Jääskeläinen SK, Koutris M, Nasri-Heir C, Huann T, Renton T, Svensson P, Durham J. Developing a research diagnostic criteria for burning mouth syndrome: Results from an international Delphi process. J Oral Rehabil. 2020 Nov 5. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33155292
- Carey B, Farag AM, Nasri-Heir C, Klasser GD, Ariyawardana A, Chmieliauskaite M, Sardella A, Carlson CR, Miller CS, Mejia L, O'Neill FE, Albuquerque R. IMMPACT – recommended outcome measure and tools of assessment in burning mouth syndrome RCTs: an international Delphi survey protocol Trials. 2020 Aug 12;21(1):711.
- Farag AM, Albuquerque R, Ariyawardana A, Chmieliauskaite M, Forssell H, Nasri-Heir C, Klasser GD, Sardella A, Mignogna MD, Ingram M, Carlson CR, Miller CS. World Workshop in Oral Medicine VII: Reporting of IMMPACT – recommended outcome domain in randomized controlled trials of burning mouth syndrome: A systematic review. Oral Dis. 2019 Jun; 25 Suppl 1:122-140.
- Ariyawardana A, Chmieliauskaite M, Farag AM, Albuquerque R, Forssell H, Nasri-Heir C, Klasser GD, Sardella A, Mignogna MD, Ingram M, Carlson CR, Miller CS. World Workshop on Oral Medicine VII: Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Disease Definitions and Diagnostic Criteria Utilized in Randomized Clinical Trials. Oral Dis. 2019 Jun; 25 Suppl 1:141-156.
- Nasri-Heir C, Patil AG, Korczeniewska OA, Zusman T, Khan J, Heir G, Benoliel R, Eliav E. The Effect of Nonstrenuous Aerobic Exercise in Patients with Chronic Masticatory Myalgia.J Oral Facial Pain Headache. 2019 Spring;33(2):143–152
- Miller CS, Farag AM, Chmieliauskaite M, Ariyawardana A, Albuquerque R, Carlson CR, Forssell H, Klasser GD, Nasri-Heir C, Mignogna MD, Sardella A. Is burning mouth a syndrome or a disorder? A Commentary. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2019 May;127(5):361-363
- Khan J, Korczeniewska O A; Kalladka M, Benoliel R; Eliav E, Nasri-Heir C. Age and gender differences in mechanically induced intra oral temporal summation and conditioned pain modulation in healthy subjects. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2018 Aug;126(2):134-141.
- Nasri-Heir C, Shigdar D, Alnaas D, Korckeniweks O, Eliav R. Heir G..Primary BMS: Literature review and preliminary findings suggesting possible association to pain modulation. Quintessesnse International. 30:49-60, 2017.
- Nasri-Heir C, Epstein J, Touger-Decker R, Benoliel R; What should we tell patients with TMD about what to eat?; J Am Dent Assoc.147(8):667-71, 2016.
- Nasri-Heir C. Zagury J, Thomas D, Ananthan S; Burning Mouth Syndrome: Current Concepts; J Indian Prosthodont Soc.,15(4):300-7, 2015.
- Nasri-Heir C, Khan J, Benoliel R, Feng C, Yarnitsky D, Kuo F, Hirschberg C, Hartwell G, Huang CY, Heir G, Korczeniewska O, Diehl SR, Eliav E; Altered Pain Modulation in Patients with Persistent Post-Endodontic Pain; Pain, 156(10):2032-41, 2015.
- Ceusters W, Nasri-Heir C, Alnaas D, Cairns BE, Michelotti A, Ohrbach R. Perspectives on next steps in classification of oro-facial pain - Part 3: biomarkers of chronic oro-facial pain - from research to clinic; J Oral Rehabil., 42(12):956-66, 2015.
- Nasri-Heir C, Khan J, Heir GM; Topical Medications as Treatment for Neuropathic Orofacial Pain; Dent Clin North Am, 57(3): 541-53, 2013.
- Nasri-Heir C, Gomes J, Ananthan S, Teich S, Benoliel, R, Heir GM, Eliav E; The Role of Sensory Input of the Chorda Tympani Nerve and the Number of Fungiform Papillae in Burning Mouth Syndrome; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod., 112(1):65-72, 2011.
- Zagury JG, Eliav E, Nasri-Heir C, Ananthan S, Pertes R, Sharav Y, Benoliel R.; Prolonged Gingival Cold Allodynia: A Novel Finding in Patient with Atypical Odontalgia; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Radiol Endod., 111(3):312-9, 2011.