Kenneth Markowitz

My research interests are the conditions that affect the dental hard tissues. This research has encompassed many areas of tooth biology from plaque formation to the dental pulp. I have conducted several studies of methods to diagnose caries. This has resulted in a better understanding of how diagnostic methods should be evaluated and contribute to patient care.. I have recently conducted several laboratory studies on interventions used to prevent caries including occlusal sealants, resin infiltration, fluoride releasing sealants and silver diamine fluoride. I have adapted tooth tissue specimens for use in biofilm research and have developed a denture-material laboratory model for studying denture infection with bacteria and fungus. I have also designed intra-oral appliances to study plaque formation and the actions of anti-plaque compounds on tooth mineral surfaces. I have acted as a clinical investigator on several NIH and industry supported studies. I serve as the dental clinical investigator for the Newark site of the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort study. This NIH-funded study is being conducted by the Pediatrics Department at New Jersey Medical School. It examines the long-term health of young adults with pediatric HIV/AIDS. I also collaborated with investigators at Rutgers’s Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources Department in New Brunswick on comparing the contemporary oral microbiome with historical calculus samples.
BS, State University of New York at Stony Brook
DDS, Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery
MSD, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Research Projects
- Caries diagnosis and risk assessment. In-vitro and clinical studies of caries diagnostic devices. There clinical and laboratory studies assess the diagnostic performances of various methods using quantitative methods. These studies have offered an opportunity for pre and post-graduate dental students to participate in research. The goal of this research is to use diagnostic technology as a tool in patient education and a means of facilitating prevention and minimally invasive caries treatment. The data from these studies has contributed to several systematic reviews.
- Animal models dental diseases. In collaboration with Dr. Velliyagounder in the Oral Biology Department and various students I have participated in studies of the role of host defense and nutritional factors in caries using an animal model. We have also conducted studies of host response against periodontal disease and oral fungal infection.
- Clinical research. I have acted as a clinical investigator on several NIH and industry supported studies. I also train individuals who have clinical roles in these studies. I serve as the dental clinical investigator for the Newark site of the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort study. This NIH-funded study is being conducted by the Pediatrics Department at New Jersey Medical School. The study examines the long-term health of young adults with pediatric HIV/AIDS. I also collaborated with investigators at Rutgers’s Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources Department in New Brunswick on comparing the contemporary oral microbiome with historical calculus samples.
- Dental pain. I have a long-standing interest in dental pain, evaluating treatments for tooth sensitivity and other pain conditions.
- Markowitz K, Strickland M, Huang A (2020) Fever and other clinical indicators may fail to detect COVID-19 infected individuals. J Evidence-Based Dent Practice epub ahead of print
- Markowitz K, Strickland M (2020) The use of anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity is ineffective and unnecessary. Accepted to Evidence-Based Dent
- Mohan M, Rosivack RG, Ziad M, Burke MJ, Markowitz K, Hisham M (2020) An objective criteria used to support a practitioner’s decision between sedation versus general anesthesia for the dental treatment of uncooperative pediatric patients. Ped Dent Journal e-pub ahead of print
- Moscicki AB, Yao TJ, Russell JS, Farhat S, Scott M, Magpantay L, Halec G, Shiboski CH, Ryder MI and Pediatric HIVACS (2019). Biomarkers of oral inflammation in perinatally HIV-infected and perinatally HIV-exposed, uninfected youth. J Clin Periodontol. J Clin Periodontol 44:2-12.
- Bahdila D, Markowitz K, Pawar S, Chavan K, Fine DH, Velliyagounder K. (2019) The effect of iron deficiency anemia on experimental dental caries in mice. Arch Oral Biol 105:13–19
- Markowitz K, Roberts E, Strickland M (2019). Dental products and evidence-based dentistry. Quintessence Int 50:402-411.
- Schultz-Robin M, Markowitz K, DeCastro J, Jiang S. (2018) Comparison of dental students’ PAT scores with their performance in preclinical technique courses: Identifying the need for early interventions J. Dent Edu 82: 406-410.
- Markowitz K, Carey K. (2018) Assessing the appearance and fluorescence of resin-infiltrated white spot lesions with caries detection devices. Operative Dent 43:E10-E18.
- Strickland M, Duda P, Merdad HE, Pelaez-Shelton RE, Rosivack RG, Markowitz K. (2017) The clinical performance of chairside caries risk assessment kits. Quintessence Int 48:161-171.
- Ryder MI, Yao TJ, Russell JS, Moscicki AB, Shiboski CH, Pediatric HIVACS. (2017) Prevalence of periodontal diseases in a multicenter cohort of perinatally HIV-infected and HIV-exposed and uninfected youth. J Clin Periodontol 44:2-12.
- Velusamy SK, Markowitz K, Fine DH, Velliyagounder K. (2016) Human lactoferrin protects against Streptococcus mutans induced caries in mice. Oral Dis 22: 148–154.
- Alabdulmohsen W, Rozario SD, Markowitz K, Fine DH, Velliyagounder K. (2015) Diabetic Lactoferrin Deficient Mice Demonstrate Greater Susceptibility to Experimental Periodontal Disease. J Oral Bio 2: 6.
- Markowitz K, Gutta A, Merdad H, Guzy G, Rosivack G. (2015) Diagnostic performance of the Spectra™ Caries detection Aid. J Clin Dent 26:17-22.
- Velliyagounder K, Alsaedi W, Alabdulmohsen W, Markowitz K, Fine DH. (2015) Oral lactoferrin protects against experimental candidiasis in mice. J Appl Microbiol 118:212-21.
- Markowitz K, Pashley D (2015). The physiological basis of dentin hypersensitivity. In: D. Gillam (ed.), Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment, Springer International 11-42.