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Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery provides didactic and clinical instruction in the diagnosis and surgical management of diseases and disorders of the oral and maxillofacial region. The science of pain and anxiety control is taught along with necessary adjunct information in the evaluation and management of medically compromised patients and medical emergencies. Clinical instruction is provided in both ambulatory office and hospital settings.
Accordion Content
This course provides basic knowledge of conditions treatable by major surgical intervention in the maxillofacial region that is typically provided by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Emphasis is placed on counseling patients regarding the utility and expected outcome of these surgical procedures. Management of soft and hard tissue pathology, facial trauma and dentofacial deformities are discussed. The student is provided the opportunity to observe the various surgical procedures in the operating room at University Hospital.
This course is an introduction to the principles of exodontia and minor oral surgery. It is designed to prepare the student for oral surgery clinical rotations and eventually oral surgical principles for general practice. The course covers patient assessment, surgical armamentarium and surgical procedures such as exodontia, preprosthetic surgery, implantology, and treatment of minor oral and maxillofacial pathology.
Junior and senior students are assigned to clinical rotations to observe and to provide surgical treatment of patients requiring dentoalveolar surgery and the management of odontogenic infections. Proficiency in patient evaluation and surgical techniques is stressed. Rotations at the hospital provide the opportunity for the student to gain experience in hospital protocols for patient care. This can include students taking evenings on-call at the hospital to allow familiarization with the operation of a major university hospital emergency suite.
Students in this course are provided lectures, seminars and laboratory sessions designed to allow the student to gain competence in the provision of local anesthesia for the oral cavity. This includes information concerning the pharmacology of the armamentarium used to provide local anesthesia. Techniques used to administer local anesthetics and management of unexpected reactions are covered. In addition, an introduction to the theories and techniques of anxiety control used in dental practices is presented. The student is given sufficient information to allow the gaining of competence in administration of nitrous oxide. An understanding of behavioral and parenteral pharmaceutical means of anxiety control are also provided.
Theories and principles related to exodontia, other aspects of preprosthetic surgery and biopsy techniques are provided to allow the student to gain competence in basic oral surgery. Presurgical evaluation of the patient and the prevention and management of complications associated with patient care are stressed.
Accordion Content
This elective will expand the clinical knowledge and experience of the senior dental student in oral and maxillofacial surgery including dentoalveolar surgery, operating room observation and assisting, and emergency department patient management.
This elective will give the student interested in performing office oral surgery in general practice, in depth instruction and chair side supervision in planning, surgery and post-operative management of complicated minor oral surgical procedures.
This course is designed for the dental student as an introduction to the interesting and exciting art and science of Forensic Odontology.