- TIP: This is an interactive form, save it to your computer before typing in information. Then save it again before printing it. Please do not try to alter the form. » » » Something new on the form – you are now able to upload a digital photo (your headshot) into a box on the first page.
- We do NOT accept email or other electronic submissions.
- Please note, if you applied to a Masters or Post Graduate program at RSDM, you cannot apply to any of our Preceptorship programs until a decision has been made on your first application.
- Completed application form, all required documentation and application fee (see note below regarding fee payment) are to be mailed or sent by express mail to address on page 4 of the application form.
- *Submit all required documents in the same package. Note: submitted documents become the property of Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.
- Incomplete applications will not be submitted for department review until all required information is provided.
- Do NOT "staple" documents. Please use one or two paperclips to secure all paperwork. Plastic sleeves and extra envelopes are also not necessary.
- If you need verification that your package was delivered, we recommend that you use a delivery service that can track it. Due to the volume of applications, plus other responsibilities we have, it is not possible to reply to emails requesting verification that it was received. You will receive a receipt by email for your application fee.
- Do not include certificates for one-day courses. Your continuing education activities should be listed in your CV.
TOEFL – A paper copy of the report MUST be requested. We cannot accept electronic copies.
Reports are to be mailed to: Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Continuing Dental Education
110 Bergen Street, B701, Newark, NJ 07103
Attn: Clinical Preceptorship Program
Application Deadlines
- All programs have limited enrollment.
- You may apply for only one course at a time. If you have applied to a Masters or Post Graduate program, please wait until you have a decision from it before applying to a Clinical Preceptorship.
- Our academic year runs from July 1 to May 30
- We do accept late applications, but initial acceptances will be done early and may close the program to new applications.
- Applicants submitting applications with less than 2½ months to the expected start date must be fully compliant with their immunization and health requirements before they will receive the formal acceptance package.
Application Fees
- Application fees are Non-Refundable.
- For payment by check we accept: bank checks paid in U.S. dollars, money orders, and personal checks if it is from a U.S. bank.
- For your convenience we now also accept online payments for application fees only for our Clinical Preceptorship programs. We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover.
- Click Here to Pay Online (Course title will have “Clinical Preceptorship Application Fees” in it.)
- One more step… Let us know you made the payment. Email us at: cde@sdm.rutgers.edu.
Type “Application Fee” in the subject line, and include how and when the application was sent. And, please sign your email with the full name you have on the application, not a nickname.