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Department of Periodontics
Periodontics Predoctoral Program
Predoctoral Didactic and Clinical Courses
The following didactic and clinical courses are taught at the predoctoral level.
Introduction to Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Course Description
This didactic course consists chiefly of lectures with some case presentations and is presented in the spring trimester of the first year.
Periodontics II, III and IV
This course series is given over the fall, winter and spring trimesters of the second year and includes diagnosis and treatment planning and choosing an appropriate periodontal therapy. Periodontics IV focuses on care of advanced periodontal cases.
- The anatomy and histology of the periodontium
- Etiology of periodontal disease, dental plaque, periodontal microbiology, and calculus formation
- Prevention – Plaque control devices and techniques – Prevention treatment planning
- Review of medical history, recording of clinical data and its significance and indices
- Risk factors and modifiers: latrogenic dentistry, smoking, genetic factor, age and stress
- Classification of periodontal disease and conditions, systemic conditions (diabetes, chemotherapy, blood dyscrasias, diseases affecting immune system)
- Pathogenesis of periodontal disease and host response – Defense Mechanisms
- Gingival diseases and treatment: gingivitis, gingival enlargement, gingival recession, gingival abscess, NUG, allergic reactions, viral, primary & secondary herpetic, fungal, traumatic lesions, hiv-aids, muco-cutaneous disorders and neoplastic-metastatic lesions
- Prevalence and epidemiology of periodontal disease
- Types of attachment loss and classification of osseous defects
Course Goals
The student shall, upon completing the course, be able to:
- Determine when a detailed clinical examination of the dentition and periodontium are needed and how to record the findings
- Diagnose the presence of periodontal diseases and caries
- Understand the local and systemic factors causing or contributing to periodontal diseases and dental caries
- Know the risk factors for periodontal diseases and dental caries
- Write an appropriate preventive therapy treatment plan for periodontal diseases and dental caries
- Know the non-surgical methods for eliminating all obvious local and systemic factors and thereby restore the periodontium and dentition to a state of health
- Determine the need for the appropriate fluoride and chemotherapeutic agents
- Recommending the appropriate oral hygiene methods
Periodontal Component of Clinical Dentistry
Course Description
An introduction to clinical periodontics via instrumentation, sharpening, "head and neck" soft tissue evaluation and a full periodontal intraoral examination. This course consists of:
- Lectures encompass clinical orientation, review of periodontal records, as well as a review of case presentations.
- Clinical rotations to allow for hands on clinical experiences in periodontal examination and diagnosis as well as scaling and root plan with hand instruments.
Basic Periodontics for International Students
Course Description
This course is presented in the summer session to students enrolled in the International Dental Students Program. The course will orient and students in periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning.
Course Goals
The student shall on completing the course be capable of:
- Performing a detailed clinical examination of the periodontium and recording the findings
- Diagnosing the presence of periodontal diseases
- Understanding the local and systemic factors causing or contributing to periodontal diseases
- Knowing the risk factors for periodontal diseases
- Writing a prognosis and treatment plan for periodontal diseases and a treatment plan for the prevention of periodontal diseases
- Learning the non-surgical methods for eliminating local and systemic factors and thereby restore the periodontium to a state of health
- Understanding and describing the diagnosis and the treatment for acute periodontal conditions
- Diagnosing occlusal trauma and knowing its treatment
- Diagnosing gingival enlargements and recession
- Knowing the rationale for reconstructive and periodontal surgery
Course Objectives
Calibrate dentists from varying dental educational backgrounds to the level and standards expected in the clinical facilities of the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.
Preventive Dentistry Clinic I & II
Course Description
The curriculum in the Prevention Clinic 1 is designed to produce a dental graduate with a level of competence in: managing category l prevention cases with diagnosis, periodontal charting and risk assessment, caries charting and risk assessment, use of indices for modified plaque and for bleeding points, performing an oral prophylaxis including the use of hand instrumentation as well as ultrasonic instrumentation and polishing, local and/or systemic therapeutic/fluoride therapy, oral hygiene home care instructions and application of home care aids, tobacco cessation requirement.
The curriculum in the Prevention Clinic 2 is designed to serve as a continuum of Prevention Clinic 1, which strives to produce a dental graduate with a level of competence in: managing basic prevention cases with diagnosis, periodontal charting and risk assessment, caries charting and risk assessment, use of indices for modified plaque and for bleeding points, performing an oral prophylaxis including the use of hand instrumentation as well as ultrasonic instrumentation and polishing, local and/or systemic chemotherapeutic/fluoride therapy, oral hygiene home care instructions, and application of home care aids.
Course Goals
The student strives to become competent in 1) the fundamentals of preventive dentistry and 2) the required interventions needed to prevent oral disease.
Periodontal Clinics I&II
To fulfill requirements in periodontics third and fourth year students will carry out examinations, diagnosis, treatment plans, phase 1 periodontal therapy (non-surgical phase), phase 1 evaluations, maintenance therapy, and will assist in the surgical treatment of patients.